NappyT MTB

My blog about mountain biking.

Cut 10 minutes of my last loop at Sycamore today.

Published by NappyT under on 6:58 PM
I rode Sycamore Canyon again today. I did the same 4 mi loop as Tuesday. This time I did the loop without stopping and cleared the climb back to the car. Tuesday I only made it to the second to last bend on the climb back.

Tuesday it took 40 minutes to do the 4 mi loop. Today it took less than 30 minutes to do the same loop. Since my loop takes less than 30 minutes, I'm going to add Martha's Grove into the loop next week. I have been avoiding Martha's because of the extra climbing, and the two sections I have never been able to clear. I would like to avoid as much hike-a-bike as I can. But since I ride solo, I'm not going to push my luck, and try to clear those two sections, this soon after starting to ride again.

I think I'm going to ride Sycamore every Tuesday and Thursday after work. The wife is being very cool and letting me get an hour of playtime after work those days. So looks like I'll be spending a lot of time there which is cool. It seems to work out with my schedule right now.

I'm looking forward to hitting a different trail this weekend. I saw one of my riding buddies today and he's going to be riding Daley Sunday morning. Wife gave me a "get out of a birthday party" free card for Saturday, but I have another party I have to attended later that afternoon, so I might ride LPQ in the morning. We'll have to see what works out.

In just the two rides I can see an improvement even if I can't feel it. I know I have a ways to go but I think if I can ride 3 or 4 days a week it will get easier. I also have the option to ride every other Friday, so I think I'm going to pass on riding today, since it's Halloween and I have family coming over this evening. So that gives me next Friday to plan a ride.

First ride in months...

Published by NappyT under on 4:01 PM
Today after work I was able to get my first ride in the last 6 months. I headed over to Sycamore Canyon since that is the closest trail to my house and did a short 4 mi loop. I only had an hour to ride but something is better than nothing. I skipped Martha's and the Ridge trail since I know my cardio is bad. I now realize that those are the two sections that make the trail fun.

I was just happy to get out for a little spin. I think I'll do the same 4 mi loop again on Thursday after work. The little hills around the preserve are giving me enough of a workout right now. I am going to try and hit LPQ, Hodges or MTRP this weekend.

I would like to say it feels good to be back in the saddle again but my butt doesn't agree with that statement right now. :P

Just add water...

Published by NappyT under on 9:00 PM
I have been off my bike for almost 6 months now and I am paying the price both physically and mentally. I have been stretching myself way to thin lately and have decided a few things need to go and mountain biking needs to come back. I am so out of balance right now with my life its not even cool, the stress level is nuts.

I pulled my bike out from the back of the garage and started getting it ready to ride. Added air to the tires, shock and fork. I had installed my platforms a while back because I thought I might ride at lunch. Since I have been working through my lunches for the last few months that never happened. I forgot how much I hate platforms. I did about two loops around the hood and ripped them off. I installed my clipless and the world was right again.

Since I am so out of shape and the mad skills I never had are gone, I wasn't sure where to adjust everything. I decided I would baseline everything and just bring my tools with me for the first few rides. I set my shock to my weight (thx for the tip Doug). I usually go for the 35mm of sag but being a Clyde everything has to be harder. I bottom out the shock to easy at that low of a psi. I tried it at my weight, which was a first, and what a difference. I still need to dial in the compression damping but that isn't hard. The fork I am trying about half my weight which feels about right. But I will need to get the compression damping set on that too. I usually run my tires at 30-35 psi but I'm starting out at 40 psi for now. With the 2.35 front and rear I want to see if I can take a little work out of the climbs without losing it in the soft stuff.

I have a short ride planned for after work Tuesday in the foothills. At this point all I want to do is get some trail time and get everything dialed in before the weekend. I have all me gear packed and ready to ride. All I need to do is just add water to my Camelbak and roll out the door.

For my first couple rides I'm going to hang close to home and just cruse the horse trails around town. I am thinking about riding either Sycamore, LPQ or Hodges this weekend . I'll have to see what my calendar looks like later in the week.

See you on the trail!
